It’s important to embrace who we are at every age! Life is a marathon of changes. We get through one obstacle and another challenge appears right after mastering the one before, and the whole games changes again. Going through seasons of life isn’t for the light hearted. We weren’t meant to give up, shrivel and die! But rather, to accept, embrace and conquer again. That is why I chose to do a beauty makeover on a Baby Boomer.
No one leaves this earth looking like they did when they arrived, lol… The one constant in life is change. “Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.” –Jackie Joyner-Kersee (Olympic Champion)
As we continue on our journey in life, the same makeup routine no longer has the same effect as it did when we were younger because our skin and hair has changed so dramatically.
I would like to introduce you to Rebecca Steele. She is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and is 55+ years young and has amazing energy. And she is fun, intelligent, works out, eats clean and is in fantastic shape. Follow Becky on Instagram @steelestrengthandfitness
Let’s get started on Rebecca’s beauty makeover and have some fun!
Eye Makeup:
For Becky’s beauty makeover, I used a lighter pencil and eyebrow shadow for a more youthful appearance. I recommended that she let her eyebrows grow out a bit more for a fuller look.
Also, I made her brows fuller and added texture for balancing her facial features. I then elongated her eyebrows. As women advance in years, it seems that outside half of the eyebrow; from arch downward starts to disappear. And eyebrows can also start thinning out all over. Look in the mirror and see if you’re noticing this too.
For Rebecca’s eyes, I used warm matte eyeshadows to enhance her blue eyes. I did not use shimmering eye shadows because it would have accentuated her wrinkles. However, I used a hint of shimmer in the inner corner of her eye, and a small area below the eyebrow arch to highlight. As I applied the eyeshadow, I pulled her eyelid taunt for a seamless effect because the elasticity on our eyelids lessons as we mature.

Next, our beauty makeover called for false eyelashes, I trimmed off the outer corners to lift the eyes up. If the false lashes follow the entire rim of eye, her eyes would look droopy. To give her eyes a lift, I curled the false eyelashes before applying them, making them look natural and lovely.
Being that they are so light weight, I love using Monika brand eye lashes. I then applied a light coat of mascara over them. Please note, if you have small eyes, use the individual lashes because a long strip could overpower your eyes.
Skincare and Foundation:
I also noticed Rebecca’s skin was very dry. She said, the T- zone on her face was oily, so she was using a product all over her face for oily skin, which was drying out all other areas and looked irritated. My advice to her was to use the product for oily skin only on the oily areas, and to use a hydrating moisturizer ever where else. I also used a Sugar Scrub on Rebecca’s lips to exfoliate and moisturize.
She also mentioned when she applies foundation, it doesn’t last very long. To help with that, I recommend using a primer before applying foundation. Primers help the foundation to adhere and last all day. Embryolisse Lait-Creme concentrate is a great option. It has a built in moisturizer and primer in one. I applied this product on Rebecca and her skin looked dewy and youthful looking within minutes. She was surprised that even after the photoshoot her foundation was still on. Smiles.
I also added Strobe Cream by Mac into her foundation to give her skin a beautiful, dewy look. Dry skin and too much foundation makes lines appear more prominent and unnatural looking. Easy on the foundation and powder, ladies, if you want a more radiant and youthful look.

Our skin looks more youthful when it isn’t dry. If skin is dry, the foundation doesn’t adhere well, it enhances every line in the face, appearing chalky and powdery.
As we mature, using too much foundation will enhance and exaggerate every single line on our face. I like using a liquid foundation— Makeup Forever Ultra HD is amazing! And, I use a lot of moisturizing and Strobe cream (MAC) mixed with foundation before applying. I used less foundation on Rebecca to make her skin appear more natural and dewy. It is definitely not flattering to see caked up foundation, concealer or setting powder on any skin type.
For fullness and length, I added clip-in extensions to Rebecca’s hair. They’re easy to apply, blending in beautifully, and look sexy. I curled her hair with a 1 1/4 curling iron and pinned up each section so the curl would cool and last longer. I sprayed Next Day Hair into the root area to give fullness. Then, I followed with a light-weight hairspray giving Rebecca a lived-in look.
As we age, it’s normal for hair to start thinning out at the temples, sides or all over. A few clip-in extensions make the hair look fuller and healthier because it is real hair (Remy) with luster and shine. Resulting in beautiful, thicker hair just like it was when you were in your twenties!
Becky, what inspires you?
“I’m inspired every day I wake up, because I’m alive to wake up! My daughter Sam Steele, and good friends like Susie Lauri, motivate and inspire me. My Mom, with her early death, inspired my education and career choices to help influence others to choose healthy lifestyles that reduced their risk for heart disease, diabetes, depression and cancer. Also, a long run, great weight workout, hot shower and Popeye Smoothie round out my Inspiration List!
What was it was like having a beauty makeover?
“Having a beauty makeover with Susie was the BEST experience I could have ever hoped for. I was a bit nervous at the start but Susie assured me she would take care of everything for my hair and makeup—and she delivered on that promise. She gave me several, super-helpful tips for applying foundation and making my brows stand out—two challenges I have with a maturing face. Ending with a photo shoot was icing on the cake. I so enjoyed the day and hope to do it again, soon!”
To wrap it up.
Keep your skin moisturized and dewy looking. You can add Strobe cream or 100% pure Argan oil light to mix with foundation. I mix mine on a pallet and whip it with a cosmetic spatula/knife, before applying. I love the Tatcha illuminated dewy mist (hydrating) after makeup is completed. Ladies, use less foundation than you normally would for a more youthful appearance and glow. Also, keep your lips moisturized so it doesn’t look like you are applying lip gloss/lipstick over breadcrumbs on your lips! Yuck! If this happens to you, you can purchase a sugar scrub for your lips which acts as an exfoliate, resulting in smooth, beautiful-looking lips, like Rebeccas.
If your eyebrows are disappearing. Brush eyebrows upward and then use a pencil and eyebrow shadow to thicken and lengthen. Add a clear or colored gel to set. If your eyebrows are turning gray they can be colored.
If your hair is thinning or you’re searching for a new look, try some clip-in extensions to add fullness and length. They are so comfortable, light, and easy to apply. Or only use them for a special occasion without having the commitment and expense of permanent extensions.
It was a joy seeing Rebecca glow inside and out after her makeover! Rebecca is an inspiration to all of us to stay fit and to take care of ourselves.
Treat yourself to a beauty makeover because you are worth it! Schedule yours today.
Cover Photo: Photographer: Sergio Padilla; Model: Rebecca Steele; Hair and Makeup: Susie Lauri
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Embrace Life,
Susie Lauri
Follow me: @susie_lauri_hmua